TACT Shirt

This design was created for Teach Autistic Children Today (TACT). The charitable organization generates capitol for autism education.

The design was placed onto T-Shirts for there annual walk/run event.

To-Go Bag

This paper bag, intended for screen printing, uses only two colors to save on printing costs. The design advertises a new mobile app which the restaurant wanted to entice patrons to download.

Citizenship Form

The United States Citizenship and Immigration office waned to streamline their status forms to clearly explain procedures.

This design uses simple color and font pallets, clear hierarchy, icons, and 508 compliance to ensure comprehension.

Navigating the Binary

My thesis document features three sections: The Credo which illustrates my personal journey as a designer, a manifesto which discusses the last century of design and the lessons we should heed in our technological age, and finally a philosophy which defines successful design through empathy, authenticity, and intent.

REV 23 T- Shirt

T-shirt design used to promote a company which produces software for piercing and tattoo parlors. These shirts use the iconic shape of the logos’ mark in combination with a mantra that tattoo, and piercing professionals wear proudly.

Cono Sur

Cono Sur is a line of appearing featuring the artwork of tattoo artists from the tip of Latin America. This project called for the design of a logo to be used on apparel tags. The logo and associated branding features line work and colors commonly associated with the region.

Peak Ad

PEAK’s mission is to provide cutting-edge tattoo equipment for both new and experienced tattoo professionals. PEAK values heritage but remains future-minded. In designing an advertisement for both digital and print production for the Peak brand, the objective was to create imagery which fit within the visual vocabulary of the Tattoo industry, but with a future-minded focus. The dark and dramatic color palette intricate line work alludes to the work of tattoo artists while portraying a fresh visual language within tattoo product imagery. The elements used in this advertisement have been adopted as standard branding elements for Peak, further enhancing the company’s brand recognition.

Kolberg Invite

Looking to the symbolism of flowers and borrowing from the canon of William Morris, I created this illustrated pattern which merges a tulip symbolizing rebirth and a daffodil symbolizing renewal. This invitation and pattern were set with traditional and contemporary type to fit the personality of the happy couple embarking on a new journey.

MAAP Exhibit

The Mid Atlantic Analogue photographers is a group which embraces the use of digital photographic techniques in their work. Despite their affinity to the past, the group’s work fits break apart from antiquated notions of technologies. The exhibition poster and advertisements portray a fresh design and emphasize the modernity in the artists’ work. The dismantling of a grid structure is representational of the barriers broken down in the group’s photographs.